Tag: Adolescents

Binge Drinking Disparities by Grade, Race and Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity

The timing of sexual identity development milestones: Disentangling age from cohort influences.

Trajectories of Gender Identity and Depressive Symptoms in Youths

Unaccompanied unstable housing among racially, ethnically, sexually, and gender diverse youth: Intersecting identities bearing the greatest burden

The Sexual and Gender Minority Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale

Systematic Review of Intervention and Prevention Programs to Tackle Homophobic Bullying at School: a Socio-emotional Learning Skills Perspective

Sexual minority youth in romantic relationships: Associations with youth well-being

Sexual and gender minority adverse childhood experiences (SGM-ACEs), perceived social support, and adult mental health

Be YOU!: A collaborative effort to address minority stress for LGBTQ + youth in school settings

A latent profile analysis of perceived family reactions to youth LGBTQ identity

Interpersonal and community level risk factors for adolescent obesity: An examination of sexual identity, school violence, and school climate in a large sample of urban adolescents

Interpersonal- and Community-Level Risk Factors for Adolescent Obesity: An Examination of Sexual Identity, School Violence, and School Climate in a Large Sample of Urban Adolescents

Sexual and gender minority youth.

40. Diversity of Gender Identity Trajectories in Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth: Is the Frequency of Gender Identity Variability assoCiated with Mental Health?

Adolescent substance use at the intersections of foster care, sexual orientation and gender identity, racial/ethnic identity, and sex assigned at birth

Adolescent substance use at the intersections of foster care, sexual orientation and gender identity, racial/ethnic identity, and sex assigned at birth

Perceived parental social support and psychological control predict depressive symptoms for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning youth in the United States.

Perceived parental social support and psychological control predict depressive symptoms for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning youth in the United States

The paradox of progress for sexual and gender diverse youth

Fall 2022 Ackerman Lecture – LGBTQ+ Youth and Schooling: Research for Policy and Practice

Application of an intersectional lens to bias-based bullying among LGBTQ+ youth of color in the United States

School health predictors of the school-to-prison pipeline: substance use and developmental risk and resilience factors

“Shaping Policy to Reduce Inequalities Among LGBTQ Youth” Webinar

Evaluating litigation as a structural strategy for addressing bias-based bullying among youth

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts are Unethical and Harmful

Media Coverage and Care-Seeking for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth

Intersections of racial discrimination and LGB victimization for mental health: A prospective study of sexual minority youth of color

Intersectional differences in protective school assets by sexuality, gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status

Educator interaction with sexual minority youth

Parental responses to coming out by lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, pansexual, or two-spirited people across three age cohorts

Sexual and gender minority youth and sexual health education: A systematic mapping review of the literature

Understanding the Well-being of LGBTQI+ Populations

Gay-Straight alliances, school functioning, and mental health: Associations for students of color and LGBTQ students

Parent-child relationships and sexual minority youth: Implications for adult alcohol abuse

Homophobic bullying in positive and negative school climates: The moderating role of gender sexuality alliances

Sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts are unethical and harmful

Narratives of gender, sexuality, and community in three generations of genderqueer sexual minorities

School-based sexuality education experiences across three generations of sexual minority people

School-age coping: Themes across three generations of sexual minorities

Parent-initiated sexual orientation change efforts with LGBT adolescents: Implications for young adult mental health and adjustment

The contribution of school safety to weight-related health behaviors for transgender youth

Parental responses to transgender and gender nonconforming youth: Associations with parent support, parental abuse, and youths’ psychological adjustment

BeYOU: Young, Outspoken, Unbreakable

The promise of adolescence: Realizing opportunity for all youth

Analyses of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS)

Analyses of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health)

Young women’s trajectories in their willingness to refuse unwanted sex

Cigarette smoking disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual youth

Sexual minority youth, social change, and health: A developmental collision

The role of peer victimization, sexual identity, and gender on unhealthy weight control behaviors in a representative sample of Texas youth

The stories & numbers project: Promoting school safety for lgbtq and all students in Austin, Texas

Sexual minority youth report high-intensity binge drinking: The critical role of school victimization

Numbers and stories: Bridging methods to advance social change

Smoking behaviors among heterosexual and sexual minority youth? Findings from 15 years of provincially representative data

Person‐environment fit and positive youth development in the context of high school gay–straight alliances

Safe schools? Transgender youth’s school experiences and perceptions of school climate

Financial stress and drinking during the transition to adulthood: The role of parental financial support

Minority stress, perceived burdensomeness, and depressive symptoms among sexual minority youth

Is young adulthood a critical period for suicidal behavior among sexual minorities? Results from a US national sample

The effects of gender and sexuality-based harassment on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender substance use disparities

Transgender youth substance use disparities: Results from a population-based sample

Sexual health risk behavior disparities among male and female adolescents using identity and behavior indicators of sexual orientation

Measuring alcohol use across the transition to adulthood: Racial/ethnic, sexual identity, and educational differences

Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation among transgender youth in California: Findings from a representative, population-based sample of high school students

Have mischievous responders misidentified sexual minority youth disparities in the national longitudinal study of adolescent to adult health?

The protective role of gay–straight alliances for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning students: A prospective analysis

Youth motivations for program participation

Social justice, research, and adolescence

Mental health in LGBT youth

Social support networks for LGBT young adults: Low cost strategies for positive adjustment

Prospective effects of family cohesion on alcohol-related problems in adolescence: Similarities and differences by race/ethnicity.

Adolescent Precursors to Financial Stress and Alcohol Problems in Emerging Adulthood

Being out at school: The implications for school victimization and young adult adjustment

Stephen Russell on bias-motivated bullying research

Gay-straight alliances are associated with student health: A multi-school comparison of LGBTQ and heterosexual youth

Risk and protective factors for suicidal thoughts among sexual minority youth: Evidence from the add health study

Latino adolescents’ understandings of good parent–adolescent relationships: Common themes and subtle differences

Cyber and bias-based harassment: Associations with academic, substance use, and mental health problems

Adolescent health and harassment based on discriminatory bias

Men’s sexual orientation and suicide: Evidence for adolescent-specific risk

Men’s sexual orientation and suicide: Evidence for adolescent-specific risk

Effects of homophobic vs. non-homophobic victimization in school commitment and the moderating effect of teacher attitudes in Brazilian public schools

Gay-straight alliances, social justice involvement, and school victimization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer youth: Implications for school well-being and plans to vote

Chinese parents’ perspectives on adolescent sexuality education

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescent school victimization: Implications for young adult health and adjustment

The Crossroads Collaborative

Family acceptance in adolescence and the health of LGBT young adults

Adolescent perceptions of school safety for students with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender parents

Bisexual female adolescents: A critical review of past research, and results from a national study

Middle school dropout? Enrollment trends in the California 4-H youth development program

Middle-school drop-out? Enrollment trends in the California 4-H youth development program

Maternal correlates of noncoital sexual behaviour: Examining a nationally representative sample of Asian and White American adolescents who have not had sex

Cross-ethnic equivalence of self-esteem and depression for Chinese, Filipino, and European American adolescents

Parenting style and youth outcomes across immigrant generations

Positive perspectives on adolescent sexuality: Contributions of the national longitudinal study of adolescent health.

Conceptualizing positive adolescent sexuality development

Cross-ethnic study of parenting practices and adolescent well-being

Measurement equivalence of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Latino and Anglo adolescents: A national study

Measurement equivalence of the center for epidemiological studies depression scale for latino and anglo adolescents: A national study

Beyond risk: Resilience in the lives of sexual minority youth

Sex, race/ethnicity, and romantic attractions: Mental health risk among multiple minority status adolescents

The Preventing School Harassment Survey

Adolescent romance and emotional health in the U.S.: Beyond binaries

Childhood developmental risk for teen childbearing in Britain

Adolescent same-sex romantic attractions and relationships: Implications for substance use and abuse

Adolescent sexual orientation and suicide risk: Evidence from a national stud

Same-sex romantic attraction and violence experiences in adolescence

Sex education content and teenage parenthood: Evidence from Great Britain