Sexual minority youth experience a variety of challenges that are further exacerbated by intersectionality and interactions with various educators. Using a directed form of empirical, qualitative research, the authors explored the retrospective school experiences (as part of life stories) of three cohorts of sexual minorities (Stonewall Generation, HIV/AIDS Generation, and Marriage Equality Generation). The aim was to learn how they experienced K-12 education, including interactions with educators. Four major categories were identified from the interview data: (a) unsupportive educators, (b) role of school counselors, (c) supportive educators, and (d) sexual minority teachers. Interactions with educators were either supportive or unsupportive and occurred at either the individual or school (institutional) level. Interactions at either of these levels were (a) explicit—intentional behavior(s) or implicit—chance behavior(s) and (b) related to academic and personal concerns.

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  1. Jack D. Simons