Tag: Families

The Sexual and Gender Minority Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale

Sexual and gender minority adverse childhood experiences (SGM-ACEs), perceived social support, and adult mental health

A latent profile analysis of perceived family reactions to youth LGBTQ identity

“We’re Not Gonna Talk about This, It Didn’t Happen. You’re Confused”: Adverse Communication in Family Responses to Mental Health, Childhood Sexual Assault, and LGBTQ Identities

Perceived parental social support and psychological control predict depressive symptoms for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning youth in the United States

Perceived parental social support and psychological control predict depressive symptoms for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning youth in the United States.

Perceived parental social support and psychological control predict depressive symptoms for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning youth in the United States

Future parenting aspirations and minority stress in U.S. sexual minority adults

Childhood experiences and mental health of sexual minority adults: Examining three models

Innovation and Integration of Sexuality in Family Life Education

Virtual Panel: Understanding the Well-Being of LGBTQI+ Populations

Parental responses to coming out by lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, pansexual, or two-spirited people across three age cohorts

Parental responses to coming out by lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, pansexual, or two‐Spirited people across three age cohorts

Parent-child relationships and sexual minority youth: Implications for adult alcohol abuse

Parent-initiated sexual orientation change efforts with LGBT adolescents: Implications for young adult mental health and adjustment

Parental responses to transgender and gender nonconforming youth: Associations with parent support, parental abuse, and youths’ psychological adjustment

Understanding the role of romantic relationships in contributing to sexual minority health

Social Justice and the Future of Healthy Families: Sociocultural Changes and Challenges

Are sexual minority youth overrepresented in foster care, child welfare, and out-of-home placement? Findings from nationally representative data

The Generations Study: Identity Stress and Health in Three Cohorts of Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals

Financial stress and drinking during the transition to adulthood: The role of parental financial support

Queering methodologies to understand queer families

Parent support matters for the educational success of sexual minorities

Social support networks for LGBT young adults: Low cost strategies for positive adjustment

Prospective effects of family cohesion on alcohol-related problems in adolescence: Similarities and differences by race/ethnicity.

Adolescent Precursors to Financial Stress and Alcohol Problems in Emerging Adulthood

The associations of financial stress and parenting support factors with alcohol behaviors during young adulthood

Latino adolescents’ understandings of good parent–adolescent relationships: Common themes and subtle differences

Parent and peer pathways to adolescent delinquency: Variations by ethnicity and neighborhood context

Conception of parent-adolescent relationships among cuban american teenagers

Adolescent perceptions of school safety for students with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender parents

Conceptualizations of family by older gay men

The meaning of good parent-child relationships for mexican american adolescents

Parenting style and youth outcomes across immigrant generations

Practitioners’ perspectives on cultural sensitivity in Latina/o teen pregnancy prevention

Cross-ethnic study of parenting practices and adolescent well-being

Psychosocial adjustment, school outcomes, and romantic attractions of adolescents with same-sex parents

What really works? An exploratory study of condom negotiation strategies

In their own words: Pregnancy preventions needs of latino teen mothers

Family Acceptance Project

Academic success in rural America: Family background and community integration