Teaching & Mentoring

Upcoming Meetings
These meetings are open to invited guests
Fall 2024 Lab Meetings
  • 11:00am-12:00pm
  • SEA 2.406

During the academic year, SOGI hosts open meetings to discuss lab news, share project updates, and provide an opportunity to collaborate on our projects. Our biweekly lab meetings are held Wednesdays at 11am-12pm am in SEA 2.406 starting August 28th. Our lab is currently full, but if you would like to join the waitlist, learn more about the lab, or try and join in the Spring, please reach out to us at alyssa.cerda@austin.utexas.edu.

These meetings are a great way to learn more about the work we do at SOGI and get involved. Meetings are open to students, faculty, staff, and invited guests — we would love for you to join us!

For other questions and accommodations, please contact us.

Work With Us
Become a Grad Student
Become a Postdoctoral Fellow
Apply to work alongside Dr. Stephen Russell as a Postdoctoral Fellow for the Spring/Summer of 2023

Assists Dr. Stephen T. Russell with ongoing studies of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) and youth and adult health and wellbeing. Position involves implementation of study design; identification, management and analysis of relevant project data; preparation of written reports; and publications for lay audiences and academic articles. The project is led by Dr. Stephen Russell and based at the UT Population Research Center. Information about Dr. Russell and this and other ongoing projects is available at: http://sogi.cns.utexas.edu.

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Become an Undergrad Research Assistant
Undergraduate research assistants support the research of the SOGI: Health & Rights lab.

The SOGI: Health and Rights Lab receives a high volume of undergraduate research assistant requests and academic lab credit requests. Please be sure that you can attend the in person meeting times before emailing your inquiry. The SOGI Lab also prioritizes current research assistants who have experience in the lab as a volunteer prior to academic requests such as thesis/independent study advising and practicum courses.

Research assistants may volunteer or sign up for course credit; a limited number of positions may be available for pay.  Research tasks will include data entry, basic data summary analysis and reporting, library research / literature searches and bibliographic database management, and some data analysis (depending on interests and experience). Ability to work both independently and as part of a team is essential.  Previous experience including library searches, bibliography software, Microsoft Excel and Word, and statistical analysis software are desirable but not necessary.  However, interested students at different experience levels are encouraged to apply – no prior experience is required. If you are interested, please send the following information by email to: UTHDFSFlawn@gmail.com. Please include:

  •   Name / contact information
  •   Class and major / minor
  •   GPA
  •   Description of prior research experience, if any
  •   Description of interest in the projects of the lab
  •   Interest in course credit or a volunteer position
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Request a Reference
If you would like a letter of recommendation from Dr. Russell, please request the letter at least 3-4 weeks ahead of time, and provide him with all of the necessary materials, using the checklist below.
Download Letter of Reference Checklist
Suggested Readings