As a psychiatrist, André’s research focuses on sexual and gender minorities mental health. Currently, André has mainly worked on two innovative research projects. One explores the differences and similarities in mental health trajectories between sexual and gender minorities over a developmental period of time. The other examines differences in gender identity development patterns in transgender and gender diverse youth, and how these patterns may influence mental health in transgender and gender diverse youth over time. Lastly, through research, André aims to inform clinicians and policymakers to extinguish disparities in mental health experienced by sexual and gender minorities.
Areas of Interest:
Sexual and gender identity development of LGBTQ youth.
Mental health of LGBTQ people
Risk and protective factors of LGBTQ mental health
Real, A. G., Fontanari, A. M. V.; Costa, A. B.; Soll, B. M. B.; Bristot, G.; Oliveira, l. F.; Kamphorst, A. M.; Schneider, M. A.; Lobato, M. I. R. (2021). Gender dysphoria: prejudice from childhood to adulthood; but no impact in inflammation. A cross-sectional controlled study. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. doi: 10.47626/2237-6089-2020-0007.
Schneider, M. A.; Spritzer, P. M.; Minuzzi, L.; Frey, B. N.; Syan, S. K.; Fighera, T. M.; Schwarz, K.; Costa, A. B.; Da Silva, D. C.; Garcia, C. C. G.; Fontanari, A. M. V.; Real, A. G.; Anes, M.; Castan, J. U.; Cunegatto, F. R.; Lobato, M. I. R. (2019). Effects of Estradiol Therapy on Resting-State Functional Connectivity of Transgender Women After Gender-Affirming Related Gonadectomy. Frontiers in Neuroscience. v.13, p.1 – 12, 2019. doi: 10.3389/ fnins.2019.00817.
Fontanari, A. M. V.; Vianna, L. L.; Schneider, M.; Soll, B. M. B.; Schwarz, K.; Da Silva, D. C.; Real, A. G.; Costa, A. B.; Lobato, M. I. R.. (2019). A Retrospective Review of Medical Records of Laboratory-Tested Sexually Transmitted Infections of Transsexual Men from Southern Brazil. Archives of Sexual Behavior. doi: 10.1007/s10508-019-1395-8.
Soll, B. M. B.; Brandelli Costa, A.; Vaitses Fontanari, A. M.; Chinazzo, I. R.; Da Silva, D. C.; Schwarz, K.; Schneider, M. A.; Bridi Filho, C. A. N.; Garcia De Garcia, C.; Real, A. G.; Tramontina, S.; Lobato, M. I. R.. (2019). Use of the House-Tree-Person Projective Drawings and Parental Styles Inventory in the Global Psychological Evaluation of Transgender Youth Who Seek Healthcare at the Gender Identity Program. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02488.
Real, A.G.; Fontanari, A. M. V.; Costa, A. B.; Bristot, G.; De Oliveira, L. F.; Kamphorst, A. M.; Schneider, M. A.; Lobato, M. I. R. (2019). Gender Dysphoria: Lifetime Prejudice without Inflammatory Impact. A Case-Control Study. International Journal of Sexual Health. v.31. doi: 10.1080/19317611.2019.1661941 .
Real, L. H. G.; Jansen, K.; Moreira, F. P.; Real, A. G.. (2019) HIV/AIDS patients adherence to antiretroviral therapy and the impact of the use of psychoactive substances. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Em Saúde. doi: 10.25248/reas.e640.2019.
Vaitses Fontanari, A.M.; Lemos Vianna, L.; Schneider, M.; Machado Borba Soll, B.; Schwarz, K.; Cardoso Da Silva, D.; Real, A. G.; Brandelli Costa, A.; Lobato, M.I. R. (2018) Hospital- based STIs prevalence and associated factors in transgender men from southern Brazil. Journal of Sexual Medicine. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.04.050.
Vaitses Fontanari, A.M.; Costa, A.B.; Zanella, G.; Feijo, M.; Schwarz, K.; Soll, B. M. B.; Cardoso, D.; Schneider, M.; Real, A. G.; Lobato, M.I.R. (2018) AIDS related care for transgender people: a systematic review. Journal of Sexual Medicine. v.15, p.S286. doi: 10.1016/ j.jsxm.2018.04.356.
Rosa, J; S.; Saraiva Junior, J. R.; Real, A. G.; Siqueira, L. Q.; Rosa, C. S.. (2017) Influence of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D on depression: a brief review. (Influência dos ácidos graxos ômega 3 e vitamina D na depressão: uma breve revisão.) Revista de Ciências Médicas e Biológicas. doi: 10.9771/cmbio.v16i2.17896.
Lobato, M. I. R.; Saadeh, A.; Cordeiro, D. M.; Gagliotti, D. A. M.; Brandelli, A. C.; Fontanari, A. M. V.; Bridi Filho, C.; De Garcia, C. C. G.; Da Silva, D. C.; Salvador, J.; Schwarz, K.; Schneider, M. A.; Brambila, M. I.; Giardin, A.; Monteiro, L. M.; Soll, B. M. B.; Real, A. G.. (2016). Gender Incongruence of Childhood Diagnosis and Its Impact on Brazilian Healthcare Access. Archives of Sexual Behavior. doi: 10.1007/s10508-016-0864-6.
Brião, F. F. C.; Horta, M. L.; Horta, B. L.; Barros, G. A. M.; Behrensdorf, A. P.; Severo, I.; Nunes, M. A.; Boabaid, R.; Real, A. G.. (2015) Comparison of the prophylactic effects of droperidol and ondansetron on pruritus caused by subarachnoid morphine. (Comparação dos efeitos profiláticos do droperidol e do ondansetron sobre o prurido provocado pela morfina subaracnóidea). Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia. doi: 10.1016/j.bjane.2013.11.005
Real, A.G. (2020) Transgender and gender non-conformity: Concepts and updates in Gender Dysphoria/Gender Incongruence. (Rio Grande do Sul Psychiatric Association, Online Presentation, Updates in Sexuality Course)
Real, A.G. (2019) Traumatic experience impact and inflammatory markers in Gender Dysphoria (XIV Gaucho Congress of Psychiatry, Bento Gonçalves/Brazil, Panelist in congress)
Real, A. G., Lobato, M. I. R.; Schneider, M. A. (2018) Transsexuality: the research and care scope in Public Health in Southern Brazil. Clinical aspects and biomarkers in Gender Dysphoria. (XXXVI Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry, Brasília/Brazil, Round Table, Panelist in congress)
Real, A.G, Lobato, M.I.R. (2018) Round table – Lines of research in Gender Dysphoria. (CELG Conference, Canela/Brazil, Panelist in congress)
Real, A.G.; Fontanari, A. M. V.; Costa, A. B.; Bristot, G.; De Oliveira, L. F.; Kamphorst, A. M.; Schneider, M. A.; Lobato, M. I. R. (2019) Gender dysphoria: lifetime prejudice without inflammatory impact. A case-control study. (24th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health, Mexico City, Mexico, Oral presentation)
Real. A.G.; Fontanari, A. M. V.; Costa, A. B.; Kamphorst, A. M.; Bristot, G.; Cardoso, S. B.; Lobato, M. I. R. (2019) Gender dysphoria: Lifetime prejudice without inflammatory impact. (XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, Oral Presentation)
Real, A. G.; Borba, A. O.; Fontanari, A. M. V.; Silva, D. C.; Mori, D.; Saadeh, Alexandre; Lobato, M. I. R. (2017) Relationship between BDNF, trauma and rumination in trans women. (XXXV Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry, São Paulo/Brazil, Poster presentation)
Silva, D. C.; Fontanari, A. M. V.; Brambila, Márcia Ivani; De Garcia, Cláudia Corrêa Garcia; Filho, César Bridi; Costa, A. B.; Real, A. G.; Schwarz, K.; Soll, B. M. B.; Lobato, M. I. R. (2017) Mental rumination as cognitive marker in Gender Dysphoria. (XXXV Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry, São Paulo/Brazil, Poster presentation)
Real, A. G.; Marcon, G.; Lopes, B. C.; Rosa, J. S.; Danna, P. C.; Saraiva Jr., J. R. F.; Tams, B. D. (2016) Huntington Disease Chorea management: A Case Report. (World Congress on Brain. Behavior and Emotions, Buenos Aires/Argentina, Poster presentation)