This paper examines a comprehensive sexuality education program, Health Education for Youth (HEY), which incorporates anonymous questions about sex and sexuality that participating youth generate into the curriculum. HEY utilizes a social ecology framework, decolonizing perspectives and feminist methods to inform the program, its facilitation and the incorporation of participant questions into the curriculum. This paper describes the theoretical and methodological frameworks; curriculum content and use of anonymous questions; program and participant characteristics; and types and content of questions asked by youth. Findings indicate that young people utilize their agency to ask important sexuality questions and are concerned about similar types and content of questions regardless of program setting. The benefits of using a social ecology framework, decolonizing perspectives and feminist methods to guide curriculum content and session facilitation are discussed along with the value of incorporating anonymous questions about sex to create sexuality education that is youth-driven and youth relevant.
- Elisabeth Morgan Thompson, Ph. D, Learning for Action
- Jenna Vinson, Ph. D, University of Arizona
- Alison Greene, Ph.D, University of Arizona
- Claudia Powell,M.Ed., University of Arizona
- Adela C. Licona, Ph.D, University of Arizona
- Sally Stevens, Ph.D, University of Arizona